Qalipu Mi'kmaq Band Class Action

Was your application for membership to the Qalipu Mi'kmaq Band rejected?

If YES, A Class Action May Affect Your Rights.

You could be affected by a class action lawsuit against Attorney General of Canada and the Federation of Newfoundland Indians. The lawsuit challenges the Supplemental Agreement for the Recognition of the Qalipu Mi'kmaq Band (the "2013 Supplemental Agreement"), and also seeks money for those impacted.

Do Nothing

Stay in this class action and wait for the outcome. Share in possible benefits from the outcome but give up certain individual rights.

By doing nothing, you keep the possibility of getting money or other benefits that may come from a trial or settlement from this class action. But, you give up any rights to sue the Attorney General of Canada and the Federation of Newfoundland Indians on your own about the same legal claims in this lawsuit.

For the small number of people who have already started a legal proceeding that raises the same issues as in the class action, doing nothing will automatically result in them being excluded from this class action.
Remove Yourself (Opt Out)

Get out of this lawsuit and get no benefits from it. Keep rights.

If you ask to be removed (opt out) and money or benefits are later awarded, you won't share in those. But, you keep any rights to sue the Attorney General of Canada and the Federation of Newfoundland Indians on your own about the same legal claims in this lawsuit.

For the small number of people who have already started a legal proceeding that raises the same issues as in the class action, they will have to discontinue their legal proceeding by January 14, 2021 to remain part of the class action, otherwise they will automatically be excluded from this class action.

These rights and options – and the deadlines – are explained in the Notice.